LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Saturday, March 15, 2008


So..., I was talking to a friend yesterday and I asked him if he had read my latest series on the blog? He was like, "Dude you have had one jacked up life, but...., do you think it's a good idea to bare all to the world? There is some pretty personal stuff in there." I was like - "Well I am just trying to be as transparent as possible and show people how good God really is and has been in my life." Response - "But everyone in the world can see that stuff on the internet."

"Uh..., yeah and so?" is my response. Listen two things resonate very loudly for me.

#1 - God is awesome and He has and continues to do a miracle in my life! No doubt!

#2 - Transparency is the key to accountability! Do you think that Elliott Spitzer if he had been transparent with both his wife and his friends or close confidant about the fact that he was struggling with some issues early on, that it would have gotten as far as it did? I don't think so! He would have people come alongside him and hold his feet to the fire in areas in which he struggled.

This is the problem with many "christians" - they want their lives all neatly packaged and perfect! Guess what life isn't neat and we ain't perfect! So.., we need help. The way we do that is to bring our stuff out into the light (tell people); that way, they can help us along, pray for us, and yes hold us accountable.

So.., I know that some of this stuff I have written is raw, but I think it merely points out the awesomely raw power of God! That's my story and I'm stickin to it! :-)



Unknown said...

Love the idea of blogging your call. You do have a jacked up life, so God has a jacked up plan for you.
Transparency is so important. Your point about Spitzer is too true.
Looking froward to hooking up with you and guys soon.
Keep it coming brother.

Anonymous said...

I have a question regarding Blog's and transparency. I notice that alot of pastors are using Blog's as a form of promtion, and circular (internal&external) marketing. Heavily promting their internet presence to their congregation as a vehichle for insight and comment. However, deploying a high level of censorship. Meaning comments are review prior to posting or removed.

When stepping into the internet age, and wanting to control your message. And at the same time to have the freedom of speach to drop the occaisional bomb. May I introduce another alternative.

This is not directed to you, but insight to church psuedo-marketing.
Get off of the Blogoshpere if your are going to offer opinion and restrict feedback.

Transition to a newsletter. Dealing with issues regarding emergent style to reach seekers, and offer the back door to the believers should not be addressed on a blog, if alternative opinions are considered divisive and thusly squashed.

Want to shout the message cool. Don't like the response, remove the ability and just shout.



Not trying to be jerky, but If folks put their names to things vs. anonymous that is a start to open dialog... - No?

Secondly, I tend to aagree with you! I think some guys do that however, and I may have to one day if someone gets on there and puts out a bunch of expletives that are not suitable for Grandma's ears. That would be the only reason I would do that. Otherwise.., I think your right. It should be an open dialog. How else can you solidify your "Shout" in the minds of others if you cannot openly dialog.

I may feel differently after I get speared a few times, but for now.., I'm all for it. Even then, I think wounds/scars help to develop you also. :-)

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the comment regarding anon. As a member of an Extremly Seeker sensitive church, very concerned on the lack of discipleship, leaving a name trail would ultimately have me ushered out the doors. In today's post modern church movements where Senior Pastors are akin to Tenured professors speaking truth in love and grace regarding spiritual development has fallen on death ears. While 90% of the energy is focused on reaching the Non-Christian, and leaving new believers, and Christians floundering is of grave concern. This same model is devoid of a leadership team where one can take scriptural, or doctrinal concerns to be addressed. As a sheep in the flock I am left to self feed, and self lead. The risk, with no plan, or path is the development of a systematic theology which could be sectarian or apostate. Where is our spiritual leader/mentor.

The blog issue is when I post a concern regarding an issue,if it is a biblically based counter opinion, it doesn't see the light of day. One could ask what other posts are coming in from the church which are also being deleted.

I agree for the profanity filter, and the divisive filter. But in the same breath don't imply it is an open dialogue.

Again this is not a personal challenge but a struggle within another Seeker Driven model. One in which you have occaisionally posted which is where I found you.

Thus, I affirm my previous suggestion, if censorship is going to exist beyond the profanitiy and divisive (which is very subjective), transition the format to a daily newsletter with RSS options.

I applaud your openess and will be praying for your journey.

BTW, the veil of anon can be removed under safe and accountable conditions if you desire.


Dear Anon,

First off, I would welcome the accountability and discussion; however, I do not know a thing about you. Not that it really makes a difference. I think we learn from all in one way or another.

My concern also is discipleship, however, I am also very, very non-christian focused. I am part of a group that does some crazy things now and they are on the edge; but the gospel is in no way compromised. However, and our pastor would agree to this, that we have been negligent in the area in which you speak. Here is the rub, for us it was about 90 percent new christian or non-christian early on and some nominal in about the 5 percent range and then 5 percent sold out and growing. This makes life very, very difficult early on. It unfortunately is the nature of the beast when you go that route. I am in prayer and trying to figure out a way to speed up the discipleship process, but in a new plant with volunteers; small group, etc..., you need leaders and you need them yesterday in most cases. So.., unless you have a very good core group early on; life can be quite exciting for those first 3-5 years. So.., I'm on board with ya, but the question is how. It took Jesus three years to create a team of what ended up being 11 before it was all said and done; but even then they had their doubts, etc...; and they walked, ate, slept, with Jesus for that entire time. This makes the modern or post-modern day model doubly more difficult. First off, who is willing to give 3 years of their life to just hanging out with a spiritual leader these days? Not too many. I'm rambling now, but I feel your pain, and I am praying for a solution for our future.

However, I have a question, what do you think of the events in Acts 15 and then the letter that was finally decided upon? Just curious?

In His Love,

Pastor Rich "Richie"