LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I joined the Navy at 17 years old. I knew I was going to join the Navy in 1976, but I wanted to be a Naval Academy guy. My stupid decisions and grade point average took care of that dream, and I signed 3 days after my 17th birthday. I left for enlisted boot camp 3 weeks after high school graduation. At boot camp at the age of 17 I was put in charge of my entire company, when there were older men and probably better suited; but I excelled and learned a lot about myself and my potential leadership abilities.

Over the next 9 years I was promoted in rank every time the first time I took the test; up until my Chief Petty Officer selection which took me two times. The following year I also reapplied for an Officer Program for the 2nd time and was selected as a Limited Duty Officer and was commissioned as a Naval Officer in December 1989.

Ironically enough, that August while stationed in Boston, Mass., I was reintroduced to the man named Jesus and on the 23rd of August I was spiritually reborn while visiting a friend in Newport, R.I.. My friend Miguel was instrumental in getting me to that point in the first place and he was the vessel God used to get me back on track. Just prior to that to be quite honest, I had hit rock bottom on a variety of levels in my personal life. I knew I had no where else to go but back to Him who first called me – God.

The next few years were awesome! I grew a ton in a myriad of ways – however, I had a weak link that I was not aware of and the enemy took advantage of that weakness. I had carried a ton of baggage (as previously shared) into both my marriage and my relationship with Jesus. That baggage was the direct source of that weakness. I went through two very tough periods where my faith, my marriage, and really my life were severely challenged. I nearly made a mess of my entire life, but “Thank God” He had other plans.

This is the point in my life where I had to dig in and start doing the dirty work of dealing with my past. A combination of counseling, discipleship, and the Holy Spirit started to guide me and lead me into a season of forgiveness and growth that I cannot adequately put into words. I became to get a clearer understanding and a grip on the meaning of Grace and Mercy, and the real love that my true Father (Abba/Papa) had for me.

I retired from the Navy in December 1993 under an early retirement program. I thoroughly enjoyed my Navy time and was wildly successful; despite my flaws. The first few years out of the Navy were very tough from a professional perspective, but God continued to provide and I began serving actively in the church we were affiliated with. During this period I was a paid part-time youth pastor and served in that capacity for 3 years. This is where God started to work on my heart a bit with respect to full time ministry; but I had some house cleaning to do yet and that took a few more years.

Next we’ll discuss the “Christian” years and my journey at Forefront Church in Virginia Beach. Until then, watch where ya walk – there might be a dog next door!

1 comment:


Thanks Lisa for the comments! Yea..., but God is good all the Time!

I inserted a new topic as you will see. Thanks for keeping up!
