In the middle of last year, I started helping a friend of mine with a ministry called PIN (People in Need - http://www.pinministry.org/). It is a local Virginia Beach homeless ministry that feeds, clothes, and provides limited health care to the homeless and needy of the Beach. We have approximately 150 people who show up each week for a hot meal and some love. We also put on a full church service for them with videos, worship, and a sermon. That way they get to both see the gospel in action and hear the gospel with their ears.
In September, my friend told me that he was going to start asking for an offering from them, which I thought was kind of odd to be quite honest. However, he preached it and shared with them that 30% of their offering would be going to other ministries globally, nationally, and locally. The split was to be as follows: 10% for bibles in a communist country; 10% to a local ministry; and 10% to the Lehigh Valley Project church plant in Pennsylvania. First off, I was amazed and humbled at the reaction of these folks who really did not have much in the first place. They responded favorably and were excited about the fact that they could make a difference half a world away, 400 miles away, and locally.
So.., get this, my friend announced at the service yesterday that $400.00 had been raised by the homeless and needy of Virginia Beach for a church plant in Pennsylvania. How cool is that!
It is very humbling to be part of what Jesus talked about in Mark 12:41-44: “41Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. 43Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."
Please pray for the homeless and needy of Virginia Beach, your area, and in the world; because they are an integral part of God’s plan too. Their assistance will lead others to Him, and their reward will be great!
In September, my friend told me that he was going to start asking for an offering from them, which I thought was kind of odd to be quite honest. However, he preached it and shared with them that 30% of their offering would be going to other ministries globally, nationally, and locally. The split was to be as follows: 10% for bibles in a communist country; 10% to a local ministry; and 10% to the Lehigh Valley Project church plant in Pennsylvania. First off, I was amazed and humbled at the reaction of these folks who really did not have much in the first place. They responded favorably and were excited about the fact that they could make a difference half a world away, 400 miles away, and locally.
So.., get this, my friend announced at the service yesterday that $400.00 had been raised by the homeless and needy of Virginia Beach for a church plant in Pennsylvania. How cool is that!
It is very humbling to be part of what Jesus talked about in Mark 12:41-44: “41Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. 43Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."
Please pray for the homeless and needy of Virginia Beach, your area, and in the world; because they are an integral part of God’s plan too. Their assistance will lead others to Him, and their reward will be great!
I stumbled across your blog as a result of a recent comment you made on my pastor's blog (Brian Jones). I am excited to hear about your project. My wife and I were just talking to someone from the Lehigh Valley who is looking for a church, and your place sounds like it will be perfect. May God bless you in your adventure as you serve and honor Him!
I also attend CCV and I grew up in the Lehigh Valley-sort of . . Stroudsburg . .. and there's nothing out there close to being cool churchwise . . .Good luck, and when I am visiting my folks I will be sure to check it out.
Jon and Anonymous,
Thanks for the great comments! Prayer for the project is solicited. I am also hoping and praying that CCV comes alongside us since we are so close.
Brian's blog is a great resource for me too!
Come visit and anyone you know up there; tell them about us!
and there's nothing out there close to being cool churchwise
I would encourage you to look beyond "coolness" when looking for a church. There are a lot of "cool" churches out there that are doing nothing as far as lifting the veil of the Kingdom to the world around them. Just my $.02 on a Tuesday morning, from the bleachers of the Lehigh Valley.
Gotta love good stories. Rock on man.
My name's Dan, I'm a seminary student living in Allentown. I'm currently taking a class that focuses on revitalizing the church. I have an assignment for this semester to get involved with an emerging missionmal church movement in my area and I just happened to stumble upon your website. What you're doing sounds cool. Is there any way we could talk, meet, or I could get involved some how?
E-mail me @ danbrockway85@gmail.com
Good stuff, Richie!!! And, btw, thanks for the comment on my blog. i'd love to go back over to PIN with you soon. you can tell from my blog that the "walk in my shoes" event had a huge impact on me. Catch up with you later. PS - hope you are feeling better!
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