LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time with Pops!

So.., I am hanging with Pops this morning and I read this one particular line in the Gospel of John Chapter 2, verses 24-25 and it kind of stopped me in my tracks? So.., I started digging into some commentaries, one of which led me to the book of Jeremiah, Chapter 17, verses 9-10. Check these two verses out: 9-"The heart is deceitful above ALL things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? 10-I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." Whoa! Do you think about that at all? I mean do you ponder the fact that God is searching your heart and examining your mind daily? Yikes! I am in trouble! You may be too! LOL!

But on a serious note, this is what separated Jesus from man. In His humanity, He was God and he could search the hearts and minds of mankind and know what they were all about. If you read The Gospel of John, chapters 2, 3, & 4, you can see the clear connection here of what John is trying to tell us about Jesus; in fact, Chapter 3 begins with the words - "There was a man", and then it goes on to tell the story of that man. Repeatedly throughout these chapters, there are stories of Jesus knowing the heart and mind of the person before they even speak.

So..., this is just another thing that shows us "What's So Amazing about Grace"! God knows our deceitful hearts, yet when you look upon the scarred body of God in the flesh (top right) and realize what He did for us despite our flawed humanity - it just breaks me down. I then find myself asking Him to forgive me and praying that He would cleanse my heart and my mind.

Repentance and Grace - it's a beautiful thing!

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