LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Friday, July 17, 2009


...about the Pastor who was jailed for littering? Ok...., well he really didn't land in jail, but he did receive a call yesterday from a local township code enforcement officer. Why? Well.., we handed out approximately 2,000 postcards announcing our upcoming preview service this coming weekend.

It appears some folks were not too thrilled about having a very nice postcard on their vehicles and proceeded to just throw them in the air, leaving them on the ground. So.., some friendly gentleman called the local township in which we were distributing these postcards, complaining about our hard work and efforts. :-)

Apparently unbeknownst to us, we were in violation of some local ordnance for that particular township with respect to circulars and their distribution. Here is essentially what the ordinance states: "If you place something on a vehicle, and it is tossed to the ground; the originator of the flyer/circular is in violation and littering." Now if we handed the postcards to them personally and they threw them on the ground, that would okay?

Oh well.., lesson learned. This is all part of the learning curve with respect to planting a new church; but it certainly does make the rollercoaster ride exciting. The lesson for future church planters - check with your local authorities on what you can or cannot do with respect to advertising. We don't want to see you on America's Most Wanted list! LOL!

Hope to see you folks that kept the postcards on Sunday the 19th of July! For those offended, we sincerely do apologize if we offended you in any way.

Peace and One Love!

1 comment:

David Macer said...

Hey Ritchie! Too funny. Keep up the great work! I am so excited for ya! The highs and lows of this roller coaster can be very extreme. Keep your joy (as you always have) and I'm looking forward to seeing the fruit of this ministry. It's a lot of fun watching the church plants that started shortly before ours and just after ours! Praying for you all!