LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Ok.., I have to admit that this blog has been neglected somewhat and only utilized for the most important of announcements, but we do in fact want it to be more than that. It has been crying out for some attention. So.., we will make an honest attempt to do so in the future.

That being said, I am still reading the Brennan Manning book called "The Furious Longing of God" (this is link to a small video about the book). At the end of each chapter he asks two thoughts or questions for you to ponder. Here are the two at the end of chapter 1:

#1 - "There is the "you" that people see and then there is the "rest of you." Take some time and craft a picture of the "rest of you". This could be a drawing, in words, even a song. Just remember that the chances are good it will be full of paradox and contradictions."

#2 - On page 37 of the book, he listed some fictitious gods presented to him in the past: "the splenetic god, the prejudiced god, the irritated god. Come up with one more, from your history, to help round out the list."

I am using this book as kind of devotional and journaling experience time with Abba/Father/God. Do you journal? Do you spend some quiet moments with Him and do some inner searching about yourself; about life, your history, and your future? If you do, how do you do that? What does it look like for you? What things have you been learning about yourself? Share if you like, we would love to hear it!

If not, you may want to consider this time well spent - it has been extremely helpful in my walk through this life and on this path. The real key and point we are stressing here, is find your path to meeting Him one on one? That may look different for you than for me. What does it look like for you?

Peace and One Love!


RoboPA said...

is that sorta like my guitar gently weeping? :-)

Anonymous said...

Just wondering...what do you guys actually believe? Not to sound negative. Got a flyer on my car while shopping at Walmart and it sounds interesting, but I can't find anything on-line stating your specific beliefs. Can you send me to a link? Thanks. Jane


Hey Jane,

Thanks for dropping a line. I think our official webpage was on the card at www.lvlegacy.org, so go to that and when you get to the page. On the left side, click the people link and then on the bottom of that page in red, the far right link is "what we believe". You did not leave an email address, but here is my address: rich@lvlegacy.org.


Anonymous said...

oops...didn't see that. Thanks! Jane rupert@enter.net