My friend, my guide, my king; I will follow you.
I seek out your will, your calling for me.
I praise you for all that is yet to be done.
I thank you for all that you have shared with me & I ask for more of the same blessings upon my family, my friends, those in need, and those who don't know you.
I thank you for your provision - food, shelter, clothing.
I thank you most for Love, faith, hope & grace.
You have given me direction, meaning & purpose.
I pray that I honor you & you kingdom with the gifts you have given me.
Help me to find my way & my place in your kingdom here on Earth.
Lord, keep me humble hearted.
Help my heart to be tender and forgiving - just as you have already forgiven me, let me share that grace with others.
Lord, help walk this prayer out every day.
- This is Your kingdom.
- This is Your Love.
- You are God & I will follow you.
Hey there Legacy Church peeps! This is mikeyd and I kinda hijacked the blog this morning... don't tell Richie, he might expect me to do this more often. ;) I felt like I was supposed to share with yous guys a little something from my quiet time this morning, so I hope that it reaches the intended target.
This is a very exciting time for us here at Legacy; the launch team is coming together, we are starting to get into the community, and our first gathering is scheduled for THIS SUNDAY!!! We are very excited for all these things, especially for where God is taking us on this journey. All that said, I think it is easy to get lost in the day to day as we gear up towards these events and eventual launch.
"Details, details, details. It is easy to focus on the task at hand and lose focus on the reason we are here... that is Jesus." That was the message I heard yesterday in church... don't lose focus on the reason we are here, and I think it is a message worth repeating, every morning. So this morning this was my prayer, to shift focus away from me and give my attention to Him.
Something to chew on this morning... Enjoy!
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