LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


When we last left off, I was discussing my first drunken experience. Weirdly enough, I really did not dabble in anything else or get drunk again until my freshman year in high school. That is where I met a new friend named Mary-Jane (marijuana), and started to drink again as often as I was able. Up until my sophomore year in High School, I was an “A” student in the College Preparatory curriculum; in that year, my grades started to decline drastically.

I was actually quite lucky to graduate from high school for a myriad of reasons, partying was just one of those issues. My home life was fraught with dysfunction and tension due to addictive behaviors, sexual issues, and the blending of a mix of families. When I was 10, we found out that my father had produced a daughter, who then moved in with us around the time I turned 13; and that just added to the mix of what we called home.

By the time I was 15, I had enough of the dysfunction and felt like I could do life on my own, so I ran away and moved into my buddy’s attic. That lasted about six months and then I returned; only to leave again six months later. I moved in with another friend of mine, and finally moved back home about a month prior to my graduation from high school. Somehow in the midst of this living on my own, and working two jobs, I was able to finish school.

During this time, I had met my future wife. Karen and I met when I was sixteen and a junior in high school; she was a senior at the time. We fell in love and to be quite honest I knew that first year that she was going to be my wife as long as I didn't mess things up too bad. Poor thing did not realize the baggage I was carrying into this relationship and the implications it would have on us years down the road. It is my opinion however; that God knew just the right person I needed to help me through this life, and Karen was His gift to me. She was never given a middle name as a child; so I provided her one, and that name is “Grace”. Folks say you cannot see, touch, or hear God, but I have the pleasure of waking up every day next to the perfect picture of God’s Love, Mercy & Grace. Thus allowing me to see, touch, and hear Him in a significant way every day. If I told you the entire story, you would certainly agree with me!

I consider it a real miracle that I survived my teenage years. Additionally, the completion of high school was another miracle in my life. In fact, I had graduated well enough and had enough smarts to do quite well on the Armed Forces entry test (ASVAB) and that qualified me for the Advanced Electronics Program in the U.S. Navy. I signed my contract with the Navy, three days after my 17th birthday and left for boot camp two weeks after my graduation.

Tomorrow we’ll talk about my Navy years and my introduction to adult life and fatherhood. Until then, Jam out to some Bob Marley! Much Love and One Love!


1 comment:

John Brady said...

Thanks for being real. As you have also have been with me. God Bless.

Love you,
John Brady
Mat 28:18-20