LEGACY CHURCH (Lehigh Valley Project)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Entry #3 - So.., Why?

Good question? I remember my 8th grade teacher Mr. Shuster had a contest, and the contest was - "What is the answer to the question, WHY?" The winning answer according to the teacher was "Why Not!" I was like, "Huh?" I don't get it, and I really still do not.... :-)

So..., Why? Why plant a new church or a new community of faith? Because as my friend Vince puts it - "We Suck". When I first saw that, I was like - "uh-oh, Vince has stepped in it again." However, as I read his very first blog entry on a blog site for new church planters (http://www.vinceantonucci.com/); I realized my answer to the question why? The answer is, I am tired of being part of a world-wide church that really for the most part is plain ole lousy at reaching the World; and just plain sucks at living out the Story that the Author has placed in their hearts from the beginning of Time!

We are getting a little better - but I think that is because God is really working this Church Planting effort, despite man's best laid plains at messing some of it up. So.., there ya have it! Acts 1:8 promises we can do it - whaddya waitin for? Get off your lazy duff and become a wild and crazy Lion Chaser!; or join a group of wild crazy Lion Chasers!

I ain't waitin for ya, so..., your gonna have to catch up! Ya better get to steppin people!

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